A simple bullet hell where you dodge the red blasts coming in. You have to keep an eye on both the left and right boxes (named Lefty and Right) to make sure they both don't get hit! Try to get as high of a score as you can.

A/left arrow/left on controller to move left
D/right arrow/right on the controller to move right
R/start button on Xbox controller to reset after you lose. (Not sure the PS/Nintendo equivalent buttons, but should work with them too)

This game was made in approximately 3 hours. I changed my exact plan about 40 minutes in because I couldn't get something to work.

Link to the twitch VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2178797485

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withGodot
TagsBullet Hell, Trijam


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It didn't let me go out of range, but the resolution doesn't quite match. Otherwise, it's fun and fits the theme well!

Yeah, I had one other person report this issue. Out of curiosity, what browser are you on? For me in chrome it worked fine, but the other person who saw this problem was using Firefox.

I'm using chrome. Is their a setting that allows you to change resolution in godot?(I use unity so I'm not sure)

So in Godot there is a setting to specify the viewport size and I set that to 1000x600 and did the same on the upload page. When I tested from my desktop on Saturday, it looked just fine. But looking from my laptop I get a similar (but less exaggerated) issue. I'll have to play around with some settings and see if I can get it fixed so that I know better for the next game jam.


Ah, looks like the issue was this export setting. I had it as Adaptive and I think I need it to be None. I will fix and re-upload after judging is done. I feel like it goes against the spirit of the Jam to change it before then. And if nothing else the important thing is that I know for the future.


I think I found a little bug . if i go right/left and leave the screen , I basicaly never get killed  and get unlimited score . you should add some borders outside of the screen that kills the player when he leaves the screen.

pretty fun game tho .

I'll have to fix that. Thanks for checking it out and finding the bug! I probably won't fix it till after the game jam judging is done though.