Welcome to the Depths of Arkady!

Explore these puzzle levels and find out the secrets in the dungeon.

WASD/Arrows/joystick to move.

R/Gamepad Back/Select to reset level.


Development log


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Hey, just wanted to say that I enjoyed this! It's short and small, and I wish there was more. But you did some cool stuff with the shadow detection, and I think that's neat! The glyph on the message-boxes leaves me at a loss.... Anyways. I found two glitches if you want to address them: One is that it auto-loads the next level on space, and two is that I was able to get the door open here and I'm not sure how since they're both still clearly in light.

Good job overall!

Thanks for the comment!

I know exactly what is happenning for both of those actually. 

I woke up this morning and had the sinking feeling that the first one was there. Specifically that is a dev skip I put in for testing so that I could get to later levels faster. I meant to comment it out so it couldn't be used before my final submission last night. But I forgot to, apparently and realized it as soon as I woke up lol.

The other one... I think it is that the light creating boxes don't cast a shadow from another light box, but the upper of those two lights has a smaller radius and isn't lighting the pedestals. And the lower of the two is lighting them. Honestly I should've left the second light out of that room like I originally designed it. So that you just had the one box that you had to block the light for both pedestals.

Anyways, thanks for playing it! I might make some fixes for it after the judging for the jam is done.